Thursday, March 1, 2012

Conclusions and Reflection

     I found that technology in the dental field depends on a couple factors. Age, demographics, knowledge of social media, and money. Although I believe, and the dentists I interviewed believe that having up to date technological equipment and software in their own dental practice is important, it is not important enough to some to take action. To some, it seems as if they don't want to spend a lot of money on something that they believe will do more for their practice and business than their traditional technology already does for them and this is due to already established relationships with patients and clients. Although it is crucial in the dental health field to stay up to par with the most modern technology, it is also a gamble to purchase very expensive equipment that just come out and may have some flaws. But, while dentists with traditional X-rays say that digital X-rays may not be necessary...the truth is that digital X-ray technology offers more convenience, speed, capabilities, and ease. With the younger dentist that I interviewed, having up to date technology in his practice was extremely important, and he also made sure he had a Facebook page and website regarding his practice so that it was easier for others to learn about not only his career, but also himself. Dentistry is a very personable profession that requires not only a hefty price on schooling, buying a practice, and technological equipment, but it entails personality, care, and people skills. With recent and modern education of technological advances along with people skills, the dental health career in my perspective, develops a prime example of how technology and the dental field can work together in order to give back to society in a positive way.

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